1. Everyone likes shoe-shopping.

2. When you go shopping on Saturday, you just take the money in your hand without knowing exactly what you´re going to do with it and when you come back it´s all gone and there´s next to nothing to show for it."

3. We recently participated in an environmental fair at the Mall (购物中心) of America in Bloomington, Minnesota, the largest indoor shopping center in America.

4. That can lead to "court-shopping", since what matters is the law of the country where the couple is getting divorced.
    这就可能导致 "逛法庭"的现象,因为问题的关键在于夫妇办理离婚时所在国的法律。

5. Her shopping had tired her and her basket had grown heavier with every step of the way home.

6. However, when I was going out shopping last week, I noticed him in the garden near the gate.

7. Housing developments and shopping centers cover much of the Earth with paved and concrete surfaces.

8. A medical examination without a doctor or nurse in the room? Doing shopping at home?
    大夫或者护士不在跟前就能进行体格检查? 在家里就能选购东西?

9. Shopping, too, is always a pleasure.

10. So many transactions and exchanges are going to be made through this medium — banking, shopping, communication, and information — that those who have to rely on the postman to send their correspondence risk really falling behind," he says.
    那么多的交易、交换都将通过这一媒体进行 -- 银行业务、购物、通信、信息 -- 因此那些只能靠邮递员发送信件的人实在是有落伍的危险了。"